Best Links of the Week: January 13, 2018
Great Barrier Reef's rising temps are turning a certain species of turtles entirely female. [The Guardian]
This story about Baltimore's burgeoning urban foraging community is pretty inspirational. [foodtank]
Study: perfectionism is responsible for rising rates of depression in Gen Z and millennials. [APA]
U.S. rivers are getting saltier, potentially compromising drinking water. [Science Mag]
This extremely deep dive into Domino Kirk's life is worth a read. [Man Repeller]
Plants are capable of complex decision-making [mother nature network]
Everything about ecotourism is interesting to me. [mindbodygreen]
This photographer's NYC weddings are beautiful. [Jacob Arthur]
How to replace the urge to shop. [mindbodygreen]
Quantum computing is what now? [Futurism]
Plants proven to be amazing, again. [CNN]