Best Links of the Week: May 5, 2018
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash
Say Goodbye to the Food Pyramid — Today’s Foodies Want a Prismic View Into What They’re Eating [Age of Awareness]
Why Clearing Space At Home Is So Important (And How It's Done, According To Feng Shui) [mindbodygreen]
How Europe’s ‘energy citizens’ are leading the way to 100% renewable power [World Economic Forum]
Gaining Control Of Your Thoughts Can Transform Your Life - Here's How To Do It [mindbodygreen]
Sunscreen Chemicals Are Destroying Coral Reefs And Now Hawaii Is Banning Them [BuzzFeed]
The Simple, Weight-Free Way To Build Strong Arms (And Empower Yourself) [mindbodygreen]
Why the Obsession With Shrinking Your Life Is About More Than Tiny Spaces [Well + Good]
Australia Has Big Plans to Save the Great Barrier Reef. But It Can’t Do It Alone. [Futurism]
Beyond Sustainability? — We are living in the Century of Regeneration. [Age of Awareness]
Kourtney Kardashian’s Appeal For Cosmetics Safety Reaches 590 Million People [EWG]
How Nefertiti, Ancient Egypt's Revolutionary Queen, Became a Global Icon [Broadly]
Brooklyn SolarWorks can turn almost any rooftop into a sun-powered oasis [Inhabitat]
More Recycling Can’t Fix The Fundamental Flaws With Fast Fashion [Fast Company]
Human endocannabinoid system might be marijuana soulmate [Standard Examiner]
How To Teach Kids To Love Nature In A Tech-Obsessed World [mindbodygreen]
How To Develop Greater Trust In Your Life’s Unfolding Journey [The Mission]
This 75-Year Harvard Study Shows How To Have Lifetime Joy [Thrive Global]
California Researchers Are Giving Probiotics To Newborns [mindbodygreen]
Astronomers witness birth of massive galaxy cluster [mother nature network]
When it comes to successful entrepreneurs, 40 is the new 20 [Fast Company]
Allergy season is getting worse every year, it's not your imagination [GMA]
What Actually Happens When You Go on a Sugar Detox? [Well + Good]
You Make Or Break Your Life Between 5-7 AM [Thrive Global]
How to Stop Procrastinating Using the 70% Rule [The Mission]
Vitamin B6 helps people recall their dreams [Science Daily]
What Is Hydrogen Water and Should You Drink It? [Elle]
We need to stop saying “GMOs are safe” [The Method]
The Curse of ‘Green Gentrification’ [Nexus Media]
Can Dirt Save the Earth? [New York Times]
What makes ice cream so addictive? [CNN]
Cardiovascular Benefits of Tea [Medium]
Perception Is Reality [Darius Forox]