How to Survive Allergy Season Using All-Natural Methods

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

As if on cue this year, exactly on the first of April, my allergies began to fly into action. This year, however, I wan't quite as sussed as in years past because I've found a few methods that help my water eyes, runny nose, and itchy face. They're pretty herby — read on for more!

Young Living Lavender Farm via Flickr / ka2rina

Young Living Lavender Farm via Flickr / ka2rina

Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint Essential Oils

Three basic oils that combine for a powerful knock-out to your allergy symptoms. The first time I tried this combination of oils, I thought, "Wow! I may never use drugstore allergy pills again!" And I haven't. (Not to brag.) There's something so soothing about inhaling this trio of scents and a medicinal quality to what you're breathing in. I don't know the exact science of it all, but here's a good summation from Dr. Taz:

Lavender is calming, cleansing and anti-inflammatory. It has long been hailed as a remedy for bronchial inflammation and current research backs up this claim. In addition to reducing swelling in the airways, lavender’s relaxing scent eases nerves and can be beneficial for headaches.
Lemon essential oil is cleansing and anti-inflammatory. It can be beneficial for chronic asthmatics and for those whose airways become inflamed when the pollen hits. This citrus oil is simultaneously uplifting and calming – a wonderful combination for those dealing with exhaustion and mental fatigue.
Peppermint essential oil is highly versatile. As far as its use for seasonal allergies, it can help to clear the airways and relieve a headache. Peppermint EO can also boost energy on a sluggish, hazy day.

So you can see how the body can reap benefits from inhaling these oils. There's a lot of debate in the world of aromatherapy and essential oils, but I do always recommend purchasing therapeutic grade oils from a trusted source that you've done your research on. You want your oils to be as pure as possible so you can reap all of the benefits from mother nature. Many oils you find in retail stores today have been diluted or mixed with chemicals, and should be used with caution and care.

A lot of people have asked what type of essential oils I use, and I've been using Young Living essential oils for over five years. They're therapeutic grade and have always done me right, so I recommend! You can sign up here or email me for more info or with any questions you may have! 

Now, how to use this wonderful blend (or others)?

Nasal Inhalers

A really easy, portable way to bring your essential oil blend wherever you go! This can work for any different blends of essential oils you want to take with you, but works best for when it's a blend you want to inhale. Usually for me I'll bring the Lemon, Peppermint, and Lavender blend with me during allergy season. If it's a winter cold I'd recommend a eucalyptus oil, or a clove or hyssop. I bought a package of 10 for a few bucks and it's lasted me a few years. I definitely recommend grabbing a pack from Amazon because they're so cheap:

via Amazon

via Amazon



Diffusers are a staple in my home. I keep one in every room and constantly have 'em going. I have some with timers and some without, travel size diffusers and even a USB diffuser (though admittedly that one doesn't work so well). I use oils to make the room feel refreshed, energized, or clean. Sometimes I use it for a mood boost (love my citrus oils) or for focus when I need to get something done (Frankincense, Cyprus, Pine,  Cedarwood — I'm looking at you).

Amazon also has a crazy-good selection of diffusers for sale, too. I suggest reading the reviews (always!!) and checking the Amazon product links against FakeSpot, a website that has an algorithm that tells you the quality of the reviews i.e. are they fake. They also have a Chrome extension if you love to shop on Amazon like I do!

Here are some nice diffusers, some of which I've used myself:

More reading (because who doesn't love to read):

I Don't Recommend Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint Oils for Allergies [The Barefoot Dragonfly LLC]

Breathe Deep Essential Oils for Allergy Relief [Dr. Taz]

Essential Oils for Allergies [Dr. Axe]


Hyland's Seasonal Allergy Relief

via Amazon

via Amazon

I was desperately rummaging through my local health food store for an allergy fix on a spring day a few years back. My eyes were stinging and I couldn't stop sniffling, but I had quit all over-the-counter drugs already and Claritin was off limits. I came across the tiny box you see on the right, which turned out to be Seasonal Allergy Relief tablets from a company called Hyland's.

The pills are homeopathic and felt really gentle relief as the pills dissolved into my mouth. Now here's where it gets crazy: the pills are actually made from red onion, among other things, and that somehow helps to make your eyes stop watering. Nature is crazy, man!

Pick up a 4-pack at Amazon here and the kids edition here.

Other Herbs & Things

I drink a cup of Moringa tea per day, but when I'm feeling like the springtime symptoms are going to hit me I'll drink two. Sometimes three. I keep Thieves essential oils on my feet at all times, and I make sure Raven is by my side in case my chest or throat start to feel tight. Oh, and I try to keep some kleenex around for when come inside after being outdoors!

How do you live through allergy season naturally? Let me know in the comments!