Best Links of the Week: March 17, 2019
Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash
"Sprouting" Is The Healthiest (& Least Expensive) Thing You Can Do For Your Brain Health [mindbodygreen]
A Massage Therapist Explains Why Your Stomach Makes Weird Noises During Treatments [Well + Good]
Therapeutic Cooking Is Meditation for People Who Love to Eat (Or Hate to Sit Still) [Well + Good]
Straws Made of Seaweed Could Replace Their Plastic Nemesis [mother nature network]
Yes, It's Possible To Intentionally Forget Something — Here's How [mindbodygreen]
Psychedelic Mushrooms Can Boost Creativity and Empathy for a Week [Futurism]
Southern California Sees Largest Painted Lady Migration Since 2005 [EcoWatch]
The Complete Guide to the Science and Benefits of Meditation [Elysium Health]
Survey: 53% of consumers motivated to purchase by 'natural' claim [Food Dive]
The Oft-Forgotten Area Of Your Life That Needs Decluttering [mindbodygreen]
NASA's Lunar Orbiter Spots "Moving Water Molecules" on the Moon [Futurism]
The "Emotional Clutter Blocks" That Are Keeping You Stuck [mindbodygreen]
Dairy is a Carcinogen, Says 6-Time Cancer-Surviving Scientist [Live Kindly]
You Don’t Understand Bitcoin Because You Think Money Is Real [Medium]
Does Climate Change Mean I Can’t Have Kids? [Asparagus Magazine]
The Case For Diamonds That Were Grown In A Lab [mindbodygreen]
100 More Things You Can Do to Make Women's Lives Easier [Broadly]
How to Start a Business While Traveling Full-Time [Bloom]
How to Make a Homemade Digestive Bitter [EcoWatch]
We've Lost Touch with Our Bodies [Scientific American]
Does the Apple Watch Make You Healthier? [OneZero]
Pesticide Exposure Changes Bees’ Genes [EcoWatch]
How Golf Is Polluting Our Oceans [Medium]
Fasting and Autophagy – Fasting 25 [IDM]