Best Links of the Week: January 5, 2019
Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash
A Scientific Exploration of Which Avocado Shape Offers the Most Bang for Your Buck [Well + Good]
California's monarch butterfly population drops 86% in single year [mother nature network]
Divergent Thinking: The Mental Muscle Behind Consistent Creative Output [The Startup]
Iconic National Parks Face 'Nightmare Scenario' Following Gov't Shutdown [Eco Watch]
Why Your Anxiety Can Cause Some Pretty Gnarly Physical Symptoms [Well + Good]
Man Clones Old-Growth Redwoods, Plants Them in Safe Places [Return to Now]
Wabi Sabi Will Help You Embrace Change & Accept The Past [mindbodygreen]
Elon Musk Predicts Vegan Colonies on Mars Within 7 - 10 Years [Live Kindly]
Demand for Combustion Engine Cars May Have Peaked in 2018 [Futurism]
How Much Turmeric Should You Actually Be Taking? [Well + Good]
‘Feeling Blue About Climate Change? You’re Not Alone [Eco Watch]
An Actually Fun Way to Do New Year’s Resolutions [Cup of Jo]
Seeing Stars: Astrology and the Art of Letting Go [Vanity Fair]
Brace yourself for a polar vortex jolt [mother nature network]
BBC Airs First Vegan Baking Show [One Green Planet]
Where Do You Fall on the IBS Spectrum? [Well + Good]
The Health Benefits of Cannabis Oil [Eco Watch]
The power of hemp: Beyond profit [Food Dive]
2019 Will Be a Big Year for Water [Eco Watch]